Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week Five: Today, I worked with photoshop and I had to add several layers of paint, top parts of pictures, and other componants to get the picture correctly layered. Being that I'm going to Ireland, I'm going to be taking more "in-flight" pictures on the plane, so you'll be seeing something new! One thing I relly enjoy about this picture though, is that the plane looks like it's flying low over the canal. With the new picture from Ireland, I'll be able to add plane pictures of flying through the air, and scenic pictures of the ground. Everyone have a great Spring Break! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello and happy Friday! This week I've been working with Photoshop, on the planes. Next week, I will be taking pictures on the plane, when all of the Chambers Singers and I go to Ireland! This will give me some more "up in the air" shots, so I can photoshop the air shots into the planes. I'm going to also take pictures of birds, so that I can layer the birds with the planes, so that I really emphasize the feeling of flying, and being free. For the first photo, I spent a WHOLE class period, trying to figure out how to delete part of the picture, add different layers, make sure all of the layers worked well together, and eventually, I gave up and started over again, because the picture looked awful. So, I painted the whole background and added back parts of the plane that I had painted off. Then, the second photo, I accidentally had pushed a button, (I can't recall which one,) and part of the pictures background turned a dark blue, which looked really nice! But, when I opened the picture today, the blue had turned into evil red wavy lines and ruined the picture. But, being that photoshop and I are on "non-clicking terms" as of now, I'm going to just be taking pictures next week, and not worrying about photoshop. Next week will be exciting!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

After being sick for a few days, I decided that photoshop sounded like a good plan. With a bit of tweaking here and there, I'm actually now somewhat one board for my airplane concentration. I'm seeing a little potential, but it's going to be interesting on how I'm going to get areal shots from the sky. Anyway, with the next coming up week, more playing around in photoshop with areal shots + plane shots, trying to go for "the plane is flying through that space" feel.

The places you will go, oh the place you will go.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hey ya'll! So, photoshop again today with the two trees up to your left.  Plus, adding pictures of my WAAAM experience from the second time I went and then an Alaska Airlines plane, just showing the different ways of flying. Not sure if I'm going to do flying as my new concentration series. My process for the week has been going, if going is the correct word. (Insert beffudled laugher.) I'm still not quite sure on my real concentration series just yet. I really do like the contrasting of life and a death feel. But, we'll have to see.